Welcome to Wonderful Words: Vocabulary Matters!
We are delighted that you could join us for this Electronic Village Online session!
Dear fellow participants,
Thank you for joining our Vocabulary Matters at PBWorks.com! We are very pleased to see you all here.
The session officially starts on January 13th, so you won't see any activity on the group before then. However, if you’ve joined before then, great! If you’d like, there are a few things you can do to prepare before the official start date.
- You can already add yourself to the participant map here. If you need help with how to do it, the directions are here (on our participants' wiki)
- Click here below for a brief introductory video by Brenda of our session's goals and expectations.
We’re so excited that you’re joining us on our journey through the wonderful world of vocabulary acquisition. We know that everyone will have a lot to share from their own experiences, and we’re looking forward to building our collective knowledge.
“See” you soon,
Brenda, Anne, and Jennie
By introducing vocabulary through games and hands on materials, teachers can provide a venue for their learners to use new words in a variety of contexts. Engaging learners through play helps them establish personal meaning, no matter what their age. The moderators will share their favorite tools that most actively engage everyone in the learning process. and participants will contribute their ideas.
Target Audience
ESL/EFL teachers interested in using various vocabulary tools, websites and paper, to enhance vocabulary retention.
Interest Section Sponsors
Session Summary
Session is over. We greatly appreciate all those who took time to be participants.
The links below are to documents summarizing the web resources.
Summary TESOL Proj Handout.pdf
Summary TESOL Proj Handout.docx
This link will open WonderfulWords Participants a new tab, while the VocabMatters Wiki you are reading now will also remain open.
You can get back here by closing that second tab. or by using one of the links you'll find on the WonderfulWords wiki which lead back here too.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Click on the tab
you can see at the top of each page to come back to this page, (the front page) or click on the "front page" link in the sidebar.
Primary Moderators
Brenda Binkley bg.binkley@yahoo.com
Anne Hernandez eagle7wing@bellsouth.net
Jennie Farnell jenfarnell@earthlink.net
Bio data

Brenda Binkley has been an ESL instructor for eight years, teaching adults from beginning to advanced levels of language proficiency. Brenda has a masters in secondary education with concentrations in English and ESL. She taught for over four years at Arkansas State University and another three plus years at Interactive College of Technology in Chamblee, GA.
To view a brief introductory video copy and paste the link below:
Anne Hernandez brings over six years of teaching ESL along with two masters degrees. Anne currently teaches ESL at Arkansas State University. She has an undergraduate degree in education with a masters in management information systems, as well as another in English Language Learners.
Jennie Farnell has been an ESL instructor for 14 years, teaching both children and adults, at all proficiency levels. She holds a masters in Applied Linguistics. Currently she is the assistant director of an intensive English program at the University of Bridgeport (Bridgeport, Connecticut) and an adjunct ESL instructor at Norwalk Community College.
Online Tools
- Yahoo! Groups -- a space for introductions, weekly tasks, questions, and other interactions
- PBWorks.com -- syllabus, weekly tasks, weekly discussion threads and tutorials
- SurveyMonkey - a introductory group survey for participants' needs and wants
- WizIQ -- where we will hold our synchronized chats
Primary Contact(s)
Brenda Binkley bg.binkley@yahoo.com
Anne Hernandez eagle7wing@bellsouth.net
Jennie Farnell jenfarnell@earthlink.net
The Electronic Village Online is a project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section.

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, an international education association
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Comments (1)
Ms Elena said
at 4:09 am on Aug 30, 2021
Hello again!
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