
WizIQ Directions

Page history last edited by eagle7wing@... 11 years ago

Back to Week 1


The recording for this session will be available January 20th. 


Only part of the chat was copied. :-( We're working on "finding" the rest of it so we can post the entire transcript. Please be patient and we'll let you know when we have the entire transcript.


Please click on the PDF below to read it.  The original copy of the January 18th WizIQ didn't include the whole chat.  This one should have the whole chat.  Please let us know if something is missing.  Since Anne (me) is the moderator, I can't stay up on the chat and moderate real well!  :-)


IF you missed the class, the same link will work to download or view the class:






Comments (2)

Luisella Mori said

at 9:10 am on Jan 18, 2014

oh dear, I missed the webinar! I suppose it has been recorded and we will be able to watch it later on? I hope so!

eagle7wing@... said

at 9:53 am on Jan 18, 2014

Yes, it was recorded and will not be available for a day or so. Please check back on Monday. Anne H.

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